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Long live the Sandinista Revolution

coup de grace

Something unusual, a government junta for national reconstruction takes the reins to restore peace and start a new stage of recovery Nicaragua was a country deeply hurt by a millionaire family of rancid lineage, also millionaire and, furthermore, criminal.

When the revolution triumphed, the dark stage of looting, plunder and crimes had come to an end We were waiting for what was happening in the sister country.

Through La Jornada we received permanent information on the armed confrontations between the Somocista National Guard and the Sandinista army They were practically war reports received from the same places where the operations were carried out.

We also read reports detailing the steps of the civilian population, whether it was with the aim of joining the guerrilla or how they organized for the resistance in the cities, because the fear of a counterrevolution was a reality The hope and longing consisted in that this new possibility for the Nicaraguan people would also reach the countries of the region.

Feelings that were feeding the decision to support that heroic revolution A creative process that had no turning back.

That is what we wanted and, for that reason, we continue to hope that the spirit of Augusto César Sandino, Carlos Fonseca Amador and so many women, men, boys and girls combatants who joined the fight will not die Too many crimes, too much poverty, hunger and disease forced the damaged population to take the final step.

What other reasons can there be for not taking up arms and defending yourself? A parking lot and a vacant lot in a few hours became the current Plaza de la Revolución at the suggestion of the Sandinista militant Miguel Blandino Nerio, who coordinated the group of militants and civilians in order to prepare this necessary space to proclaim the triumph of the Sandinista revolution .

The celebration was massive The Nicaraguan people, together with the Sandinista army, had the right to celebrate defeat over three generations of dictators.

The family of Anastasio Somoza Debayle, the last to occupy the presidency of Nicaragua, began their pilgrimage looking for a country that would give them asylum He arrived in Paraguay, a country subjugated by another dictator, Alfredo Stroessner Matiauda, ​​but justice caught up with him thanks to "Operation Reptile.

" Somoza was killed with bursts from M-16 assault rifles while traveling in his Mercedes Benz S-Class limousine, the coup de grace was an accurate shot from a Soviet-made RPG-2 anti-tank rocket launcher The slogan of the people's revolutionary army, in solidarity with the Sandinista revolution, was: “We cannot tolerate the existence of millionaire playboys while thousands of Latin Americans die of hunger.

We are perfectly willing to give our lives for this cause ” There are not a few countries in America, in this second decade of the 21st century, that have achieved their liberation and continue in the democratic battle towards the consolidation of their revolutionary and progressive projects.

The victory of the FMLN continues to inspire the struggle In 2018 in Mexico, with the triumph of the Together We Make History coalition, Millions of us feel that special atmosphere of triumph over the horrors of the neoliberal mafias.

However, it is also important to keep history in mind, since the memory of those disastrous and fascist military dictatorships, although they are being left behind, somehow continue in the memory of our peoples Soon we will remember with joy, but also with concern, that July 19, 1979.

44 years have passed and the hopes of a revolutionary, socialist Nicaragua and defender of the best principles continue to enrich us The internal struggles of each political party are always present.

The important thing is to preserve that combative spirit of which we have spoken Along with other liberation movements on our continent, We want to hope that extreme differences and decisions do not take the place of revolutionary principles.

The moments of solidarity were numerous and on the part of many countries As for the Single Union of Nuclear Industry Workers, we are pleased to have supported Sandinista professionals with help in various areas.

The trips to Nicaragua were gratifying for our union because the electrical industry in that country was not abandoned and multiple technical problems were resolved The group that participated in these solidarity tasks still remember with great affection that historical stage as trade unionists.

The Sandinista revolution has been the example that when a country says enough! He achieves victory, despite the adversities At present, we want reason to stand out, that there are no expelled or exiled political prisoners or militants.

The revolutionary spirit must continue Twitter: @AntonioGershens.

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